S.O.F.T. and Strong: Midlife Women On A Mission

Mission Midlife: 5 Steps To Finding Your Passion

Bernice McDonald Season 2 Episode 25

Are you wondering what the secret is to finding your passion - it seems that everyone expects you to know but maybe you're confused about the whole idea and wondering if it's something that is really going to matter?

Discovering your personal mission, your life's purpose is like finding your compass in the forest. It doesn't eliminate the trees, but it does show you the direction. 

It illuminates your path, adds meaning to each step you take, and brings a sense of fulfillment and joy.

Think about who you want to be - what you want to contribute to this world. 

You’re amazing in your own unique way, and it's more than okay to acknowledge that. In fact, it's necessary. 

In this podcast I'm going to show you how to:

  • How to recognize your true passions
  • 5 Steps to actually defining how YOUR passion, along with your core values, merge into a combination that creates purpose.
    • Step 1: Reflect on your passions and values.
    • Step 2: Visualize your ideal self.
    • Step 3: Identify your unique strengths.
    • Step 4: Make your mission statement. (with lots of examples)
    • Step 5: Take action. (with lots of examples)

To live this life fully without feeling it's a tedious, tiresome journey filled with potholes and plots, you need to have something to focus on that fills your heart with joy.

This is one of the key qualities of a Beautiful Warrior.

Come in for a listen and be inspired to think creatively about a life you'll love.

Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

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S2 Ep 25 Mission Midlife: 5 Steps To Finding Your Passion

[00:00:00] Bernice: Hello and welcome you amazing midlife mavens. This is your personal life coach and your cheerleader. You are listening to the podcast, Soft & Strong, Midlife Women on a Mission where we train Beautiful Warriors. I'm here today to remind you that even though you might be feeling lost in this great midlife jungle, you're not alone.

[00:00:32] Imagine walking through a dense forest where the trees are so tall they block out the sunlight. It's actually one of my favorite places to be, but in this case, you feel lost, disoriented. That's how life can feel during these middle years. After the nest is empty, after you enter a new phase with or without the love of your life, after you have a close look at your work and realize you are bored to death or frustrated to death, after you realize that the body you've always wished for is not gonna happen.

[00:01:15] The forest is sometimes dark and navigating the twists and turns, the way around the trees, finding the way through, you're not sure which path to take. It can seem daunting, right? Many give up at this point and just lay down their lives. Quit trying. Coast on through to the end. But not you. 

[00:01:47] Today, Beautiful Warriors, we're going to find our way out together, discovering your personal mission, your life's purpose. It's like finding your compass in that forest. It doesn't eliminate the trees, but it does reveal the path. Show you the direction. There it is- the path illuminated in front of you and this adds meaning to each step you take and brings a sense of fulfillment and joy.

[00:02:25] I want you to think about who you want to be, what you want to contribute to this world. You are amazing in your own unique way, and it's more than okay. To acknowledge that no humility needed here, in fact, it's necessary for you to realize who you are. Have you ever heard of Vera Wang? Yes. The world renowned fashion designer.

[00:02:59] Vera started her independent career in fashion at 40. She had tried many things in her life. She was a competitive figure skater, which I didn't realize, almost went to the Olympics. She took pre-med in university, and then later she studied theater and art history. Well, it was after graduation from college that she was hired on at Vogue.

[00:03:29] As the assistant to the fashion designer there, and she moved up to become a very successful editor in her own right in their fashion department. But Vera longed to design, not write about and market the designs of others. At 39, she was a bride to be struggling to find the perfect wedding dress and that [00:04:00] led her to her true calling.

[00:04:02] She opened her first boutique specializing in luxurious bridal wear the very next year before she found her mission. She was already successful. But hear this, success does not mean you've found your calling. She knew there was something else for her to do, something she loved. Once she embraced her passion for design and took the bold step to create her own line, her life transformed her designs have since graced runways around the world, and she's dressed many, many celebrities for their weddings and red carpet events.

[00:04:50] Vera Wang's story is an inspiring example for us of discovering your personal, personal mission later in life, step by step, and it reveals the incredible transformation that can result when you pursue that calling. What you love to do and long to do and you don't give up. Her journey shows us that it's never too late to find your purpose and make a meaningful impact.

[00:05:26] So how about you? How do you recognize your true passions? This is always the question, right? It sounds easy, but how in the world do I find mine? Well, you may not do it. On a world famous level, but the spark I want you to catch here is that you can be good at many things, but only lit up by one or two. So let me ask you a couple of things.

[00:06:01] What are you constantly eager to learn about? Even in your free time, you find yourself continually researching, reading and diving deeper. What is it that you yearn to get back to? Because it gives you such a sense of vitality and excitement. It's not draining. Instead, it replenishes your energy. What are you doing when you experience that state of flow entirely focused on the task that you're doing?

[00:06:34] The world around you seems to just fade away and your work feels effortless. I know there's something that you do that creates this kind of feeling. It's not just about enjoying what you are doing, but it's about experiencing a deeper sense of happiness and fulfillment. Your passion aligns with your values and brings you so much joy.

[00:07:04] That's why when you're living by your values, you feel awesome. About who you are. You'll also know it's a passion when you find that you're willing to face challenges and even failures, but they don't easily discourage you. The desire to continue on despite the obstacles that drop into your path is a clear sign that this is a heart passion. A purpose. A mission that you are made for.

[00:07:39] Remember, passion isn't always about grandeur. You don't have to be Vera Wang. It can be as simple as loving to bake, adoring the time you spend in your garden, or cherishing moments while volunteering at the local shelter. The key is that it aligns with your values, brings you joy and lights a fire inside you.

[00:08:08] So I want to show you five steps to define your personal passion. I want you to go to your journal and write your responses to each of these five steps, because this is where your life pivots, takes a sharp turn onto a laser focused part of your journey. This is a key component of that midlife time period.

[00:08:39] You don't wanna just be meandering through the forest, letting your life pass by year by year without a focus, a purpose. What we're about to do here can become the basis of all your decisions in the future. The reason you get up in the morning, the one thing that keeps you going, no matter what happens in your life. It's that important.

[00:09:07] Okay, you ready to dive into those five steps? 

[00:09:12] Step number one, reflect on your passions and values. What gets you out of bed in the morning? What keeps you awake at night? What do you truly believe in? I want you to spend time with these questions. Write them down. 

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

 What keeps you awake at night? 

What do you truly believe in? 

[00:09:48] Okay, Step number two. Don't forget. Go back and answer those questions or stop me right now, get your journal out and write them down as [00:10:00] we go along. You can pause me step by step. 

[00:10:04] So step number two, visualize your ideal self picture. The person you want to become, this version of you has discovered their mission and they're living it.

[00:10:19] What does that look like? I personally love this part. I love painting that picture of what it would be like to be the ideal, me living my ideal life. Just write it down in point, form, and feel the feelings that go with that. 

[00:10:42] Okay, Step three. These are sequential and they're all very important. Identify your unique strengths.

[00:10:53] Now we're building that Strength Bridge from the past to where you are now and into the future. It's a bridge. It bridges the gap, takes you into the land of midlife. These are the strengths that you are bringing with you that are going to be the foundation for building a life that matters in these midlife years.

[00:11:16] You have strengths that are uniquely yours, I want you to embrace them, list them out, celebrate them. They are the tools that you'll use to make your mission a reality. 

[00:11:33] Vera Wang had many strengths and they included all kinds of things. She was smart, creative, she could draw and design. She knew the world of fashion and was most likely, I'd say, just guessing here, a great seamstress.

[00:11:53] The strengths you've grown over your life, all come together to bring your passion to life. [00:12:00] So make a list of them right now. Pause me if you need to. I will wait for you and then come back. 

[00:12:09] Okay. Step number four, - two more steps. Make your mission statement. Now that you've thought about your passions and visualized your ideal self and acknowledged your strengths, create a statement that combines all three.

[00:12:29] Keep it simple. Vera Wang's mission statement for her company is this, "To create a lifestyle that goes beyond core bridal and ready to wear and into publishing, fragrance, beauty, accessories, and home"

[00:12:48] Her personal mission statement isn't public, but I asked Google for a possible mission statement that Vera Wang might carry with her, and it gave me a [00:13:00] statement based on what seems to be her core values and how she wants to show up in the world.

[00:13:07] So Vera Wang's personal mission statement could be something like this, "To revolutionize the fashion industry by disrupting norms, expressing creativity, and making luxury design accessible". Okay, so that could be Vera Wangs based on the core values that we see in her as a person. 

[00:13:31] So let's think about some of your possible core values or, or let's imagine a few people that have certain core values and passions and see what kind of a mission statement we could come up with for them. 

[00:13:49] So for the woman who loves to bake, her mission statement could be "To use my love for baking, to strengthen community ties, sharing the warmth and [00:14:00] comfort of homemade food to foster unity and celebrate diversity".

[00:14:05] This sounds so beautiful to me. Now this woman could decide to start a local baking class where she teaches others how to bake, while also discussing the importance of nutrition and food security. This decision aligns with her mission to use baking to connect people and advocate for food education to celebrate diversity.

[00:14:34] Now for the woman who loves to coach, say, something dear to my heart, "To use my coaching abilities to empower individuals, helping them realize their strengths and potential, and encouraging them to become the best version of themselves". 

[00:14:53] Now this woman, as a coach, could choose to continue her education by taking a course on emotional [00:15:00] intelligence to better understand and guide her clients towards their full potential. This decision supports her mission of creating a safe and supportive environment for growth of helping her clients to realize their strengths and and potential. 

[00:15:19] Now, let's say there's a woman who loves to dance. That's her passion. Her personal mission could be "To use my passion for dance as a powerful form of expression, inspiring others to embrace their individuality, and promoting a culture that celebrates diversity and freedom of expression".

[00:15:40] A beautiful goal, a beautiful vision. So maybe she decides to volunteer at a local community center offering free dance classes for children who might not otherwise have access to such activities. This aligns with [00:16:00] her mission to use dance as a tool for promoting wellbeing and building a community that appreciates art, the freedom of expression.

[00:16:13] So for, let's say. There's a woman who loves to write music, her personal mission could be "To compose music that sparks imagination, elicits deep emotions, and stirs the soul". Don't you love those words? "...fostering an appreciation for creative expression and its ability to connect us all". 

[00:16:40] So now this woman could take this mission, and as part of her mission, she may decide to collaborate with other musicians from different cultural backgrounds to create a fusion piece. This decision is in line with her mission of [00:17:00] using music. To transcend cultural and linguistic barriers or to bring people together to connect us all. 

[00:17:11] My personal mission statement? "I want to overcome the fear of a meaningless existence by helping women to come back home to their hearts, to find their purpose so they can live lives filled with strength and meaning".

[00:17:28] So when creating a mission statement, it's important to consider both what you love doing, your passion and what you stand for, your core values. It's the intersection of these two aspects that will give you a mission statement that feels both authentic and inspiring, and it makes life so much fun. Okay.

[00:17:55] Step number five coming out of this is [00:18:00] to take action. Start living your mission, like a life adventure plan. This simplifies your life, gives you a direction. Every life decision you make can align with your statement. It makes your life so much simpler because you look at who you are and where you're going, and you know whether or not you should take this path or that path that diverts you away from that main path.

[00:18:32] A personal mission statement can guide many aspects of our lives and thus influence many kinds of decisions. 

[00:18:41] Here are several areas that I want you to think about where your personal mission can guide your choices. It can guide your career choices. Your mission can guide you toward a specific industry or a role or a company that aligns with your [00:19:00] values and passions.

[00:19:01] It opens up a whole new world of possibility. 

[00:19:05] In education and personal development, your mission might influence what you choose to study, the courses you take, the degrees or the certifications you pursue or the seminars that you attend or the books you choose to read. Or, which mentors or coaches you choose to seek out.

[00:19:30] It can affect your health and wellness and decisions you make there. Your personal mission might lead you to prioritize certain aspects of your health and wellbeing. For example, if your mission involves helping others, you might recognize that maintaining your own health is vital to fulfilling that mission.

[00:19:48] Relationships. Your mission can also influence who you choose to surround yourself with shaping your personal and professional relationships, because whoever [00:20:00] is in your circle of influence, your friends, the people you hang out with, is who you model without even knowing it. It's their behaviors, their attitude that you pick up.

[00:20:13] It also can affect decisions about volunteer work and advocacy. If your mission involves serving your community or advocating for a certain cause, it can guide you to specific volunteer or advocacy opportunities that are within that area of passion or interest- which can help you to grow, become skilled in that area, and actually get hands-on experience, and it drives you to help other people. It increases your love for that activity.

[00:20:47] It also can affect your lifestyle choices. Your personal mission can influence your overall lifestyle such as where you choose to live, the type of house you buy, the car you drive, or [00:21:00] how you spend your leisure time. Remember, your personal mission statement serves as a compass for your life, guiding your decisions and actions in alignment with your deepest values and aspirations.

[00:21:16] It can help you lead a life that's true to who you are and what you believe in. The power of a personal mission statement lies in its ability- get this now- to guide us toward decisions that are based on our values, fulfill us, and, the key thing, make our lives meaningful

Each small action brings you closer to the person you want to become.

Okay, Beautiful Warriors, let's step out of the shadows of that forest together. Let's find our direction, embrace our individual brilliance and illuminate the world with our purpose. Because the world doesn't just need more light. It needs your light, your unique, incredible, and irreplaceable light.

[00:22:22] It needs your irreplaceable light. Nobody else can do this the way that you can. Nobody else is you. And what you bring and the way you bring it is irreplaceable. 

Imagine your life filled with an unconditional contribution that makes a difference where you wake up each morning with a clear sense of purpose, ready to conquer the day.

[00:22:51] Remember that question. What gets you out of bed in the morning? What if this was it? Just the excitement to get up and be able to do this again. [00:23:00] That's the beauty of discovering and living your mission. 

 If you'd like some help with that, download my free ebook with the simple steps for writing your own Passionately Personal Mission Statement.

You'll find a link in the show notes and on my website, and if you need some help with that, you can send me a message on Instagram @midlifewomenonamission or email me at bernice@bernice mcdonald.com. 

It's time, ladies to step into your light, to live your mission, to make a difference, your difference, because this is your journey and this is your time.

Alright, I will talk to you in the next podcast. Thanks so much for being here.